Here you will find books of all genres and directions: from popular bestsellers to rare editions. We pay special attention to young buyers: we always have new children's educational and fiction books, educational games, creative sets and children's toys in stock. If the book you need is not there, then thanks to weekly deliveries and close ties with Russian publishing houses, we can quickly bring the book you need.
You will not find so many fresh magazines and newspapers from Russia in any store in Lithuania! In our periodicals department you can find 180 titles of newspapers and magazines of various topics. In addition to popular publications that can be bought both at a kiosk and in a shopping center, you can also find unique publications that are not available anywhere else. In addition to the press, in our store we can offer a subscription to the publication you are interested in with home delivery.
replenished every week
A new, but already quite large and popular department of our store. The entire assortment of this department can be divided into two groups: traditional Russian souvenirs and souvenirs with inscriptions in Russian. Among the traditional Russian souvenirs you can find matryoshka dolls, samovars, Khokhloma, and Palekh miniatures. The assortment of souvenirs with inscriptions in Russian is very diverse: personalized spoons and pens, mugs, cup holders with glasses, oven mitts, bath hats and many other unique and truly interesting products.
Children's toys
Our store pays special attention to young customers. In addition to a wide range of children's educational and fiction literature, you can find educational games, creative sets and children's toys.
Stationery products
The range of children's and souvenir stationery products presented in our store is more than 2,000 items. Basically, here you can find essential items for a schoolchild or student. When selecting products for this department, we try to find high-quality and interesting products that are not available in other stores.
Order a book or periodical.
Our store information department
provides information about the availability and possibility of ordering a book.
Call by phone 8 5 278 89 88 and get detailed information.